To launch a website you need to get what’s called hosting space. Think of it like a plot of land for a house. Sometimes you have to pay a fee. In some cases it’s free. So do shop around before making your choice.
This ‘plot of land’ is one of many within a server. Think of a server as a street where many companies rent out space for websites. A bit like sharing the same postcode.
Each server has what’s called an IP, or internet protocol, address. This is made up of a string of numbers that can be located by any device that has internet access.
Every website has a domain name. This is everything after the www. or World Wide Web part. You can think of this as the physical address of your house.
But what if someone wants to find you, or in this case your website? They’d use a browser like Google Chrome. This locates and retrieves the website information then displays it. How long a website takes to load depends on things such as the amount and type of information, and internet speeds.